
Impact of Language on Workplace Safety


What are the consequences of ineffective communication within teams? Productivity declines, teamwork becomes unattainable, and employees become progressively discontented. Moreover, if there is a language barrier present, the safety of your personnel is jeopardised. 

According to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), around 25% of workplace accidents can be attributed to communication difficulties due to language limitations. This is an alarmingly significant quantity!

If you have a workforce comprising employees from various linguistic backgrounds, it is crucial to prioritise the removal of language barriers. 

How can businesses address language obstacles in the workplace?

Below are a set of practical measures you may do to tackle language barriers and enhance workplace safety:

Determine the languages spoken by your personnel

When managing a workforce that consists of individuals from various linguistic backgrounds, it is crucial to ascertain the languages in which your employees possess a high level of proficiency. This will allow you to address all linguistic requirements inside your organisation. 

To get insight into the linguistic composition of your company, you may distribute an anonymous survey or request workers to update their language preferences and skills in your HR software.

Offer health and safety training in several languages

After obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the languages spoken by your staff, allocate resources to translate essential papers, manuals, and safety recommendations into numerous languages. Simultaneously, it offers comprehensive health and safety instruction in several languages. 

The objective is to guarantee universal access to all necessary information to do one's work securely.

Implement the use of signs in several languages

Aside from formal safety regulations and training, on-site signs contribute significantly to ensuring workplace safety. Ensure that all signage is exhibited in different languages. Utilise visual aids, such as diagrams and globally recognised symbols, wherever feasible to improve communication and understanding.

Enhance workplace communication by providing language training

To effectively address language barriers in the workplace, it is essential to enable people to interact with one another proficiently. 

Implementing company language training programmes will cultivate a high level of multilingual competence within your personnel, strengthening interpersonal communication and subsequently improving workplace safety. 

Language training is the most efficient means to overcome language difficulties. Examining the matter in further detail, it becomes evident why it holds so significant importance.

The utilisation of language training contributes to enhancing safety in the workplace

The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration mandates that businesses offer training in a language comprehensible to their employees. However, while multilingual training and documentation are necessary, they represent only a tiny fraction of the required effort. 

Enhancing occupational safety necessitates proficient communication in the workplace

Employees must be able to communicate effectively and precisely with one another in many everyday situations. This includes confidently providing and receiving instructions, expressing concerns, and notifying others in the event of a health and safety risk.

It is essential to acknowledge that the responsibility of learning English should include more than just non-native English speakers. Bilateral communication is necessary, and English speakers should actively pursue learning their colleagues' languages. 

There are several advantages to learning a language to enhance workplace safety. Training in a multilingual workplace guarantees:

  • Enhanced communication: When every person possesses proficiency in shared languages, they may effectively communicate with precision and minimise misinterpretation. This guarantees prompt rectification and response to hazardous work conditions and emergency scenarios.
  • Enhancing comprehension of safety procedures: improving your workers' linguistic proficiency involves ensuring equitable access to and understanding of safety rules and standards, thus enabling all team members to perform their tasks securely.
  • Enhanced collaboration: language and communication are the most potent instruments for fostering teamwork. Employees may actively engage in safety talks by eliminating linguistic obstacles, having equal chances to contribute and be listened to, and fostering trust and relationships with their colleagues. This is essential not just for ensuring workplace safety but also for enhancing productivity and promoting well-being.
  • Language proficiency is crucial for overcoming language obstacles and enhancing workplace safety. However, what if your endeavours encounter opposition? Now, let us examine some difficulties in business language training and explore possible remedies.

The main point or conclusion

Language difficulties provide a significant hazard to worker safety. For workers to do their duties without risk and successfully exchange information, they must possess a shared language. 

Additionally, it is essential to note that overcoming linguistic hurdles encompasses more than just ensuring physical safety. Further, it promotes the cultivation of inclusivity, a sense of belonging, and psychological security, all of which are essential for the well-being and productivity of employees.

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